1. The research must be novel, innovative, contemporary, and of high scientific significance to deserve special consideration after the original abstract deadline. Abstracts should describe either large clinical investigations or high-impact translational research that could not be completed prior to the original deadline.
2. All late breaking abstract submissions must be either co-authored or sponsored by a current ACSM Fellow (FACSM). ACSM Fellow Member (FACSM) status is an elite membership level for long term Professional members who have provided a significant level of service to ACSM. This is not the same as being enrolled as a Fellow in a fellowship program. ACSM Fellows who author or co-author a submitted abstract also accept responsibility as a sponsor for that abstract. The ACSM Fellow attests to the scientific, medical, or educational merit of the work. Abstracts without an ACSM Fellow author/ sponsor will not be accepted. An ACSM Fellow may sponsor as many abstracts as desired. You will be required to provide the ACSM Fellow’s name and e-mail address when submitting. Once all submission steps are complete, the ACSM Fellow (FACSM) will be sent an email notification at that time. The final acceptance decision is the exclusive right of the Program Committee.
3. You will be required to answer the question “why is this abstract considered late-breaking?”
4. Late-breaking abstracts must not be a revision of an abstract submitted prior to the original submission deadline.
5. Late-breaking abstracts must not have been presented, accepted for presentation, or published at any other scientific meeting or journal at the time of submission. The ONLY exception to this policy concerns abstracts presented at an ACSM regional chapter meeting and Clinical Exercise Physiology Association's (CEPA) annual conference.
6. Regardless of in-person or ePoster submission, each person is permitted to submit and be first author on one scientific and one clinical case abstract, including regular abstract submissions and a late breaking abstract. You may co-author as many other abstracts as desired. If a person is listed as first author on more than one scientific abstract, only one abstract will be accepted; all others will be rejected.
7. Abstracts of experimental, observational and meta-analytic studies must include data to substantiate the conclusions being drawn. Systematic reviews without meta-analyses are not acceptable. It is not satisfactory to simply describe what was found (e.g., “the treatment group increased their fitness more than the control group”) or to only include statistical results (e.g., “associations were significant at p < 0.05).” Abstracts that lack experimental data may be rejected. This applies to abstracts that are sponsored by fellows, as well as those that undergo full review.
8. Authors who use artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing on the submission site and slides/poster presentation how the AI tool was used, and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.
9. Studies must comply with ACSM’s policy statements regarding the use of humans and animals in research studies.
10. Abstracts that are accepted AND presented will be published in an online supplemental issue of MSSE.
11. To ensure consistency and clarity, authors are directed to use the terms as defined by MSSE’s, “Information for Authors” while utilizing the units of measurement of the Systeme International de’Unite (SI). Click here and scroll down to “Technical Guidelines.”
12. Late breaking abstract submission fee: $250. A nonrefundable fee must accompany each late breaking abstract submitted. This fee does not guarantee the acceptance of the late breaking abstract. Do not submit the same abstract more than once. Abstract fees will not be refunded for duplicate submissions, or for an abstract that is withdrawn.
13. Abstract submissions will only be accepted electronically and must be submitted no later than Noon (Pacific time zone) March 3. Submissions will be limited to the first 100 complete submissions. After that time, the site will be closed. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by early April.
14. Abstract presenters are responsible for all in-person annual meeting registration fees and all other costs associated with traveling and presenting at the annual meeting. Registration for attending the in-person meeting is required.
15. Presenters who fail to provide an acceptable notice for not delivering an accepted abstract will be prohibited from presenting at future annual meetings and the abstract will not be published in the online MSSE Supplement. If you must withdraw an abstract/case, email a written notification providing a reason for the withdrawal, written by the primary author, to breed@acsm.org.